Working with heritage industries
We are proud to work with Duchess China, one of the last remaining fine bone china manufacturers in the UK. Our mugs and jugs pass through the hands of several highly-skilled craftspeople where they are moulded, sponged, fired and finally hand decorated with screen prints made from Rebecca’s illustrations.
Did you know that there are no regulations around whether a product is classified as 'Made in Britain'. We were shocked to learn that there are so many producers shipping in whiteware from abroad and decorating it in the UK, then branding it as Made in Britain. We can guarantee that our mugs and jugs are made from scratch in Stoke on Trent and have watched the skilled crafts men and women at work. Rebecca even had a go at decorating a finished mug herself and can confirm that it's not easy, we wouldn't have passed the finished article through quality control!
Its so important to us that our products are made here in the UK, not only because it keeps our heritage industries growing and thriving, but because of the reduced impact on the environment through our supply chain. When you take a sip from one of our fine bone china mugs, you can feel a little glow inside knowing that you are using an extremely high quality and truly British-made product.
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